Friday, December 13, 2013

How To Get Paid iOS 7 Apps Free Without A 7.0.4 Jailbreak Utility

Get Paid Apps and Gift Cards Free Without a Jailbreak 7.0.4 ToolJailbreak 7.0.4 FreeAppLife
Proceeding our somewhat-recent article regarding the very disturbing crowdfunding  jailbreak 7.0.4 bounty endeavor and both Saurik and comex’s opinions on the matter, the staff of Jailbreak iOS Evasion opted to bring our readers some diversity with today’s article. Although we’ve written two separate articles on the FreeAppLife service we’re highlighting today, FAL (as it’s often referred to) has really come into it’s own with a countless number of updates that have taken place over the course of this past month. The developers of FreeAppLife have been working tirelessly since the service’s inception almost a year ago to bring a completely groundbreaking platform for obtaining paid app codes and gift cards for free using devices on iOS 7 and 7.0.4 alike without a jailbreak.

While other, similar services exist, FreeAppLife currently offers the most generous points system in the industry. In fact, users of FreeAppLife need only download a handful of sponsored apps to earn entry-level gift cards, which start at $5. What’s more, it’s possible to earn $0.99 apps from Apple’s App Store in less than three minutes.
According to the founders, the site has not only been revamped, but they’ve also launched a new tracking app to vastly improve point conversions, dozens of new prizes have been added, the referrals system has been rebuilt and the user base is already in the six figure range – now that’s impressive!
As previously mentioned, it’s almost baffling how simple it is to earn paid iOS apps for free – follow the steps and/or tutorial embedded below to start redeeming prizes today:

Step 1: Sign up for a FreeAppLife account by navigating to the site with your iDevice inside the mobile Safari app.
Step 2: After inputting your email address and deciding on a password to create an account, download and open the “FAL Activate” tracking app to enable “Sponsored Apps” on your devices.
Note: Once opened, the tracking app can be immediately closed and deleted, so long as it redirects to the service inside Safari. If, for whatever reason, your device’s cookies are cleared, you’ll need to repeat the second step.
Step 3: Download any of the sponsored apps, open the specified app from within the App Store for approximately 5 to 10 seconds and interact with it briefly.
Step 4: Refresh FreeAppLife inside Safari, your points should be applied to your total instantly. Use said points to redeem various paid prizes in the “Rewards” section.
Step 5: Refer friends and family to the service using your referral link (available in the “More” section) to generate massive amounts of points and numerous entries into one of the many giveaways the service holds – currently, it’s a second-generation iPad mini.
In conclusion, FreeAppLife is an incredible service that operates with the boundaries of the law, avoiding piracy, to bring its users the very best method of obtaining paid apps for free. Also, keep in mind that FAL is restocked with new sponsored offers and rewards on a daily basis and with more sponsors than competitors, it’s the perfect time to visit inside Safari and sign up for an account.

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