Thursday, December 12, 2013

How to Uninstall Internet Explorer 9

The removal of Internet Explorer has long been debated, with questions raised in the United States vs. Microsoft case. Since the choice of the consumer should be paramount to any product, many people over time have suggested that Internet Explorer is a standalone application that should not be integrated into the Windows shell. In earlier versions of Windows — even quite recent versions such as XP, it was impossible to uninstall to Internet Explorer due to its inseparable integration into the operating system. Therefore it always remained. There were, however, third-party applications available to uninstall Internet Explorer — such as XPLite and 98Lite by Shane Brooks, and nLite and vLite by Dino Nuhagic.

How to Uninstall Internet Explorer 9

The process of uninstalling Internet Explorer has fortunately become much easier in recent years. Mostly due to the fact that Microsoft have had cases brought against them based on monopoly. Since Internet Explorer is often bundled with computers — especially those with Microsoft Windows already installed, other companies argued that this gave Microsoft an unfair advantage when it came to browsers. Microsoft have therefore had to cut back on the integration of Internet Explorer with the inner workings of their operating systems, to allow its consumers to uninstall the browser if they wish.

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To uninstall Internet Explorer 9 you can follow the following steps:
  1. Navigate to the “Start” button in the bottom left of your screen;
  2. Type “Programs and Features” in the start menu search, which should reveal the item — click it, and select the “View installed updates” in the left pane;
  3.  Under the heading “Uninstall an update” you’ll want to scroll down till you see the section entitled “Microsoft Windows“;
  4. Right click on the item, “Windows Internet Explorer 9” and then click the “Uninstall” button. When prompted click “Yes“;

You will then be prompted to restart your computer. If you wish to restart later, then you can always postpone the restarting. However if you choose to restart straightaway, do not forget to save your unsaved files! The aformentioned steps should have ridden you of the burden of having Internet Explorer installed. Et voila!

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