Thursday, December 12, 2013

Top 5 Best Google Adsense Alternatives

Google Adsense, the leader in advertising market got many strict rules to follow. Most of the website and blog owners are making thousands of dollars everyday using adsense. Everything works fine with adsense, only if you follow their rules. In most of the cases especially when newbies try to use adsense on their blog, they end up getting their adsense account banned. Sometimes the adsense application is rejected for several other reasons.
Read : Top 10 Alternatives to Google Reader
Don’t get frustrated if your adsense application is rejected, we got best alternatives to Google Adsense, lets try them too.  With the rapid increase of the number of blogs and alternately internet users across the globe, online advertising took new roots. Many networks have already established themselves as “Alternatives to Google Adsense”.
Top 5 Best Google Adsense Alternatives

Top 5 Best Google Adsense Alternatives

Here is the list of Top 5 alternatives for Google Adsense. This list is based on many factors like Ad-formats, Payment options, minimum payment etc.

1. Adbrite

Adbrite is the best alternative for Google Adsense. It offers ads for all types of publishers form small part time bloggers to pro bloggers. The terms and conditions are easy to follow compared to Adsense, using Adbrite you can display inline ads or full page ads apart form regular banners. When no ad appears in your site then it shows, Your Ad Here message to attract advertisers. Best for users from US.
Payment Options : The minimum payment is $100 and adbrite offers payment through checks only.

2. Chitika

Chitika is one best online advertising networks. Established in 2003, it got a huge network of blogs and offers ads based on key words. It allows you to display ads on mobile, websites, blog etc. Many publishers are satisfied with chitika, as it make payments equal to Adsense. You can also use chitika along with your Google Adsense account.
Payment Options : Minimum payment is 10$ for paypal users and 100$ for standard checks.

3. Clicksor

Clicksor, the most popular adsense alternative network is available for free. Choose between the different ad formats and target your readers. The pop-up ads of clicksor are more popular, then earns you more revenue than any other ad network. Clicksor pays you every 15 days and through paypal. You can also earn 10% additional income through referral program.
Payment Options : Minimum payment is 50$ for paypal users, every 15 days.

4. Bidvertiser

Bidvertiser ad service is different compared to others. It display a block in your blog and allows advertisers to Bid against each others. Through this you can earn maximum possible income. This network is preferred for high traffic blogs only. So think twice before using this. You can also customize the ad layouts based on the template of your blog.
Payment Options : Minimum payment is 10$ for paypal users and for standard checks.

5. Infolinks

Infolinks is the popular in-text advertising service. Suitable for blogs with less traffic also. It got a huge network with 40,000 publishers. You can earn 70% of the revenue share. You can also use infolinks along with google adsense. Infolinks display ads related to keywords in your blog. If your blog got more popular keywords, then you can earn more revenue from it.
Payment Options : Minimum payment is 50$ via PayPal or bank wire transfer.

Hope you like this article and if you have any queries related to this article please post your valuable comments. 

1 comment:

  1. Are you looking to make cash from your traffic via popunder advertisments?
    If so, have you ever considered using PopCash?
